Tag Archives: Enactus RMU

Seeking Students Interested in Building a Social Media Site

A student innovation group, Enactus RMU, is looking for people interested in developing a social media webpage that will allow students to create a network for studying collaboratively.  This project will cover the entire development lifecycle: from requirements definition, to deployment and maintenance.  Developers will be able to work at their own pace using online collaborative tools. They are looking for anyone who is interested and willing to learn however ideal candidates will have some of the following skills:

1) All developers should have knowledge of the agile development method, knowledge of software documentation best practices, and a willingness to thoroughly document all code.

2) Developers who wish to work on the webpage design should be familiar with web design best practices,  and have knowledge of HTML 5, JavaScript, and CSS.

3) Developers who wish to work on the servers should know how to work with Ubuntu Linux (or any Debian based Linux distribution), have skills in JAVA programming, knowledge of MySQL, be familiar with the TCP/IP model, and have an understanding of distributed file system concepts.

Anyone interested should contact Michael Arturo at mdast12@mail.rmu.edu