Tag Archives: The Washington Center

Washington Center Seminar Presentation – Tuesday, September 13th

TSC LogoCIS and the Top Secret Colonials would like to invite you to a presentation from the students who attended the Washington Center Seminar this past summer on Tuesday, September 13th at 3:00 pm in the Wheatley Atrium. President Howard and several administrators will be present in support of the students. Following the student presentation, President Howard will introduce RMU’s first Presidential Leadership Fellow, Chris Davis who will present at 4:00 pm. Chris Davis worked with the students this past summer at The Washington Center and was one of their favorite presenters. You will find his impressive bio here: Chris Davis Biography. You will earn SET credit for the two presentations.

Snacks will be provided.

Learn about the Washington Center National Security Seminar in Washington, D.C.

On Monday, September 14th the students who attended The Washington Center’s National Security Program this past summer will give an informative presentation in the Sewall Center International Suite at 3:30 pm.

If you have even the slightest interest in the Washington National Security program, we urge you to make the time to attend. It is an opportunity for you to hear about the program from the student’s perspective!

You will receive one hour of SET credits for attending. Light refreshments will be served.

Top Secret Colonials – Upcoming Events

Attention all CIS majors: specifically Cyber Forensics and Information Security.  If you have not already, please follow our Twitter page and like our Facebook page.  Information about meetings, future club events, cyber current events, and much more are provided there.  Plus, we could really use the support with getting our organization much more popular around campus.  We need your help in order to transform the Top Secret Colonials into a cyber security organization!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/topseccolonials

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rmutopsecretcolonials

We are going to have an event at Chipotle (similar to the Buffalo Wild Wings one).  We are tentatively planning for March 16th from 4-8, but will confirm this date at a later time.  In addition, if you are going on the trip to The Washington Center, please see Dr. Paullet when she gets back to find out more information about how to start fundraising.

The Washington Center names RMU Academic Seminar University of the Year

Robert Morris University has been named the 2014 Academic Seminar University of the Year by the prestigious Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars.

Recently, a group of thirty-two RMU cyber forensics and information security students traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in The Washington Center’s academic seminar program. The seminar was based on issues of National Security and gave the students an opportunity to learn from leading national security experts. As well as this being an excellent learning opportunity, this served as an opportunity for networking with national security leaders.


The Washington Center chose Robert Morris University as its academic seminar of the year based on many factors; some factors being the Top Secret Colonials fundraising efforts, preparation for the trip, and devotion of the students and faculty regarding the seminar itself.

The students were lucky to have been at the seminar in D.C. while there was extreme information security controversy happening here in Pittsburgh, PA. The group happened to be visiting the Chinese Embassy just hours after it was announced that the U.S. government filed criminal charges of cyber espionage against Chinese officials for allegedly having hacked some of Pittsburgh’s foremost industrial providers including Alcoa, Westinghouse, and U.S. Steel.

Many students having participated in the trip have become advocates for the importance of this seminar, as well as their student-run organization, Top Secret Colonials. TSC secretary, Jake Pancari, stated, “The seminar is a life changing opportunity, something I never could have experienced by just going to class all the time. We witnessed history in the making while we were there, and I got to meet so many influential people working in DC. It’s easily one of the best decisions I’ve made in my time at RMU.”